Welcome to the new home of The Spin Cycle!!
Yes, the world-famous Spin Cycle, created by the beautiful and talented Jennifer of Sprite's Keeper, has moved to Hollywood!
The Spin Cycle is so inspiring and EASY, that I know you will ALL want to join in the fun.
Here's how it works...
Every Friday, I post the Spin Cycle topic of the week. A word, a thought, a prompt if you will. Then you have the entire week to write your "spin" on the subject. Get it? "Spin" cycle? That Jen is very clever. You can do anything with your spin that you want, let it inspire you. Do whatever makes your little heart happy. Surprise me.
You can post your spin any day of the next week - it's that laid back, don't you love it? Just make sure you get it up by the NEXT Friday.
Once you've posted your spin, make sure you let me know in a comment here on my blog. It doesn't even have to be a comment on the spin, it can be in any old comment, I'll find it. Please give me your URL link to your post. I will then link your spin to a kind of "Spin Cycle Round Up" post early in the week.
On Friday, I will publish MY brilliant spin on the topic (I'm assuming that all of your spins will be brilliant as well), along with a full list of participating spinners. AND at the end of my Friday post, I'll give you the NEXT week's Spin Cycle topic.
Did that make sense? Have I confused you? Okay, let me simplify. With bullet points, because you know I love my bullet points...
- Write a post about the topic of the week, which I've handed out on Friday.
- Leave me the link to your post in a comment on my blog.
- Check back on Friday so you can read everybody ELSE'S take on the topic, and find out the NEXT week's topic.
Easy peasy lemon squeezy. No Mister Linky. No special day you have to post. I'm here to make you happy.
Two things though -
- Be sure and check out everybody else's spin posts. It's fun to see what other people do with the topic. And...it's just the polite thing to do.
- Please add the Spin Cycle button/link to your spin post. Then your readers can find their way to the other writers and their readers and...well, you get the idea.
Thanks SO much for participating!
Have fun spinning!
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