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I, too, am still recovering from Christmas, and Christmas dinner. And I did something this year that I've never done before - I bought a Honey Baked ham; it was the 7 bajillion side dishes PLUS a chocolate souffle PLUS homemade peppermint ice cream and 3 hours worth of gift exchanges (don't ask) that did me in.

Fortunately, I have an adult daughter I can pass the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner torch to (whether she wants it or not). I'm just getting too old for this shite.


Wow, I can't believe you cook that much every year. That would exhaust anyone! I'm glad you didn't try to incorporate the fish into the dessert course lol Happy new year!


I always look forward to your seven fishes dinner post being in the midwest the closest we get to any seafood is Red Lobster...it all sounds wonderful and way too much work! Happy New Year to you!

Judy Ring

2 years ago, I did a Feast of Seven Fishes for about 20 people because you always made it sound so delicious and fun in Second Blooming. I had never heard of it until I read your blog! It WAS delicious and fun! And exhausting!! I didn't do nearly the number of dishes you make, either. But I'm glad I've cooked it at least once. Happy New Year!


And there was your feast yet again! The preparation wears on one's body.

Ed Blazek

Whatever you end up doing in 2016, you must not leave out the shrimp and feta dish.

Gina @ Moxie Glam Photography

The Red Wine Chocolate Cake sounds TO DIE FOR! Your family are friends are so lucky. My christmas involved Mac N' Cheese and under cooked Ham. I will be watching closely more recipes. God you're wonderful.

Gina @ Moxie Glam Photography

The Red Wine Chocolate Cake sounds TO DIE FOR! Your family and friends are so lucky. My christmas involved Mac N' Cheese and under cooked Ham. I will be watching closely more recipes. God you're wonderful.

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