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Terra Heck

I have a lot of Christmas ornaments but I think you have me beat! I owned a dishwasher once but never used it. I prefer just doing dishes by hand.

Terra Heck

I have a lot of Christmas ornaments but I think you have me beat! I owned a dishwasher once but never used it. I prefer just doing dishes by hand.


Um, I have maybe a box and a half of ornaments? That's it. We rotate the colors each year except that one awful year where the kids demanded allthecolorsbeused.

It's 12/8 and I haven't even put the wreath on the door. It feels shameful, but also weird because it's 60 degrees two weeks before Christmas. I'm out of sorts.

We don't have a dishwasher other than our hands.

Did they not stink until after you washed them? Maybe that did it. I can't make that make sense, sorry.


That was a very random post! I'm Jewish so I don't know anything about ornaments, but over 200 seems like a ton! Do they all fit on the tree at once?


Oh I have boxes upon boxes of ornaments. They don't all go on the tree, because it would fall over for sure. But I have my pretty ones that have not been out since I had children. Then I have home-made ones from when I was a child, and the ones my own have made. Shatterproof ones that are the standard these days. And finally an entire collection of Disney hand painted ornaments! They break every year, and I glue them back every year: but I love them!
That parody is so funny. I definitely remember those days.
Fart feet? ha. Maybe a mixture of vinegar and baking soda? That worked for my summer sandals. Or even some mild bleach to spray on them? I've heard tea bags left in overnight can help too, but never tried that one myself. My mom just said kitty litter. what? I assuming clean kitty litter. ha

Ginny Marie

I love that video! Tell Jude it's perfect for RTT. And I'm so glad you got a working dishwasher! My laptop is held together with clear mailing tape right now, no joke.

How was that for a random comment? :)

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