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Katherine M

First, I am thankful that you are back to blogging. I have missed reading your stories. Second, I will have 13 people at my house as well, arriving Wednesday and leaving Saturday. I have lists upon lists, lists of lists. I would never be able to sleep if I didn't feel confident that all I need to do and remember is safely written down for my convenience. I do heavy appetizers that take the place of lunch and then do the Turkey and all the fixin's for an early dinner. The best appetizer recipe I have is an old Southern Living recipe for marinated shrimp. (Sorry it's seafood.) I, unfortunately, am not a fan of shrimp so I have never tasted it, but the other family members get very excited and ooh and aah while consuming the shrimp with gusto. The rest consists of cheese and crackers, olives, dry sausage, some random fruit, grilled asparagus, and pigs-n-blankets for the kids.
Good luck getting everything ready and cooked to perfection. Feel Better!

Shelly Martischewsky

I, too, am cooking this year, with a nerve issue causing terrible back pain, (surgery is Dec. 8), the best appetizer is a giant relish tray, pickles out of jars, crackers and celery with easy cheese and sliced summer sausage. make Jude make it. (yes,, easy cheese, the only time we ever got it as kids was Thanksgiving on the relish tray, so special) also black olives to put on your fingers.

Shelly Martischewsky

you could even put on some shrimp cocktail for Jimmy.


I will happily take an appetizer bullet point for you! Want me to bring crab dip and crackers? Don't forget Isabella can scarf down seafood like a champ (so maybe I should bring shrimp cocktail, too).


I don't even know what I'm doing for Thanksgiving yet. I think I'm going to my aunt and uncle's house, but I'm not positive. If you want to do an easy appetizer, go with delicious cheeses and crackers. :)

Ginny Marie

Our appetizers usually involve Doritos, so I'm not a very good source for appetizer recipes!

Thank you so much for linking up to the Spin Cycle this week...I hope you'll write a Thanksgiving recap, too! :)

P.S. I hope you're over your sinus infection. That stinks!


Another vote for the relish tray. We're big fans of random pickled things. Beets, green beans, okra etc.


I do not have an excellent Thanksgiving appetizer idea/recipe to share, but I'm going to keep checking back here for one. I'm going to adapt that Brussels sprouts one to add mushrooms and carmelized onions, I think. Oh, how I love them. I was thinking of a light salmon wrap of some sort too but I haven't found a recipe yet. I may just wing it.

I do feel sorry for you.

I would come steam clean your carpets. Alas, there's a bit of distance.

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