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Ginny Marie

I literally just recommended The Bletchley Circle to Janice! I love it! So then I had to watch Death Comes to Pemberley with Anna Maxwell Martin. She is so good!

State of Play sounds interesting; we just had a scandal in Chicago when our Little League winners had to give up their title because they cheated. So sad for the kids.

I'm so glad you linked up to The Spin Cycle! When are you coming back????


I haven't watched any of those shows but I have all the episodes of Empire on my DVR waiting for me to finish GoT which I just finished (and wrote my binge blog about!). I will definitely be binging on that starting this weekend!

Mara@Weighty Matters

I have not seen a single one of those you mentioned, nor have I been tempted to. I have seen Taraji Henson in Person of Interest though and she was great in that.


My son keeps telling me to use his access to Amazon prime but fail to give me the password ;D Will watch Bletchley Circle once complete with Morse. Or maybe I will put away the teacups and get off my arse.

A.J. Cattapan

I've heard about Empire so far, but haven't had a chance to watch it. Your comparison between Cookie Lyon and the Dowager Duchess makes me want to watch it even more.

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