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I'm in!
I'll even consider tinting my hair blue.


Sounds like you are having a great time - great pics; spectacular views - I'm in too love martini's and art ...i would definitely sport a silver bob LOL enjoy the rest of your stay. :)

Sharon, The Mayor

That sounds like a perfect, happy NYC vacation. You sound like a true native with most likely a Texas accent. Can I steal a few ideas for my lifetime bucket list from this post?


Wow those views are amazing! Looks like so much fun!

Jan's Sushi Bar

ME. I am SO in.


Oooooo does that not sound wonderful!!!!

Ginny Marie

Before I left California, I told my sister when I was old I was going to move out there to live with her! Maybe I'm a Califorian at heart!

I just adore that picture of Jude in the boat. It is just like a movie!


I'd be up for that. Talk of New york reminds me of my visit at 12. I saw just everything a 12 year old could tour to in New York. Seems like forever ago, and like it was only yesterday.

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