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My first thought was brandy filled chocolates. I know my 85 year old aunt loved the bourbon filled ones. Good thing I was driving. Anyway, can you make her some pretty pot holders? She cooks and I bet she'd love something made by ya'll.


I love my Mary. The biggest and best gift she is receiving for her birthday is her beloved family (ALL) of them will be there this year to help her celebrate! My suggestion would be to buy a gift certificate from a cleaning service to do a whole house cleaning..or a window washer to clean inside and outside of all windows..because you know before time it will be time to change those summer curtains to fall curtains..and my favorite for Mary is to find a chocolate of the month club that would send her a chocolate bar preferably (hershey) each month for the entire year! Wish I could be there to celebrate but give her a big hug and kiss from us!


What does she drink her Blackberry brandy out of? Maybe a new glass or two? Nothing fancy, of course.

A vhs collection of her favorite TV show? (I think you mentioned once they haven't upgraded to DVD? Or maybe that's someone else.)

Does she enjoy nail polish?

I would suggest framing the picture of Jude luging, but she'd probably freak out for the danger.


How about you get a bunch of your friends and blog followers to each record a 10 second birthday message? One of the recorded messages could include a mention that you always speak so highly of her and miss her and that we are all so glad she is a healthy 85 (this is to save you from the blog explanation of how we all know her). Short of that, I do have inordinate number of movies and shows on VHS I'm willing to donate to the cause.


It gets tougher as they get older and more set in their ways, doesn't it? How about a nice calendar with everyone in the family birthdays and anniversaries on it. A gift certificate for a dinner out for her and Pop (not to expensive mind you :-), or car detailing, or a book of taxi vouchers. A subscription to a favorite magazine. Long distance calling card. May the force be with you! Ha ha.

Jan's Sushi Bar

Print - on photograph paper - a bunch of pictures of Jude. Not the ones where you try and make him smile and pose, but the ones you take of him *doing* things, like the lifeguard and luge, and put them all in a pretty frame for their house. And I second the idea of a set of pretty glasses for her blackberry brandy.


A digital picture frame, (preloaded, of course) that she could watch while talking on the phone? Collect photos from all of the kids/grandkids and she could watch them go by. Promise an updated batch when you visit next so it's the gift that keeps on giving in a good way? :)


It looks like you have some good ideas; this year for my mom I bought her two shawls at Macy's they looked like pashmina two really pretty colors under 40.00 maybe under 30.00 how about a pretty robe from Victoria Secret or a nice bottle of Blackberry Brandy along with some nice tumblers all else fails go to TJ Max or Marshalls and get her one or two or three different sunglasses they can range 9.99 to 15 and up (I think) and they are name brands. lets see what you decide :) Marisa


Shannon suggested what I had thought of as a result of my Mom's response. I scanned in a ton of old photos and loaded those on the flash drive along with recent photos of grands, great and great great grands. Mom loves it. So much she begged me to do one for Aunt Opal a couple of years ago. Well, so long as she gets the digital thing. Gene's mom took apart the one we gave her to try and put a hard copy picture in it.....


How about a lounge chair for sunbathing? One with cup holders, and maybe a little table that folds out.


How about a subscription to something indulgent and that's delivered straight to her door? Also perishable so she can't save it for later? Like macarons?


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