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Ginny Marie

This is so sweet. I love reading your stories about Mommy and Pop, and to have one focusing on Pop is great! That photo of Jude and Pop holding hands on the beach is priceless! I love how having a grandson brought out the best in Pop!


Father's are important--but I didn't really see it until I saw how much my boys love their father and Nick's dad, their very own Papa.


Wonderfilled post. The love of grandchildren for grandfathers is astounding! I lost my last grandfather by two and a half. I only remember them being sick. I agree with Ginny Marie, your posts about Jimmy's folks are always to so very entertaining.


priceless.... Have a wonderful Father's Day !

Sharon, The Mayor

I did not realize how strong a bond is between a boy and his grandfather. My dad wanted nothing to do with babies. Along came my boy and he was enthralled since day one. Go figure.

I love how your son interviewed his grandfather. That is something.

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