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When we bought ThePalace(OfLove) around two years ago, we swore we would never be those people with a half-painted house and half-completed improvements.

But of course we are those people.

Must do something about calling someone ... at some point.


Love the Craftsman style homes. Best wishes with the remodels. You will enjoy the results for years!

Ginny Marie

Converting the garage sounds like such a great idea for both you and Jimmy! I can't wait to see before and after pictures! Maybe when Jimmy's not using it for coaching, there could be a space for your writing??


Oh, good luck! We have a handful of things that we're determined to start AND FINISH this year too. I'm looking forward to it.


Can't wait to see the results. Those colors sound great. Our craftsman type house has darker versions of those colors and it really perked the place up.

Kristina Walters @ Kris On Fitness

I love you house! Good luck with the updates! It's very exciting to make new improvements like that.


Oh wow, what a beautiful house!

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