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Ginny Marie

I don't remember that beef broth story! I definitely need to go back and read it. So many great "Love is" stories, Gretchen. If I told you how much I loved them all, my comment would be way too long! :)

Jan's Sushi Bar

You have the SWEETEST.CHILD. EVER. And that's saying something, because The Young One is a pretty sweet kid himself.

Ah, marital stress - I can completely relate. Fortunately, we seem to finally be on the upswing out of our latest bout (which was pretty effing bad, to be perfectly honest), and I am so relieved I can hardly stand it. Good for you reinstating the "hide the beef broth" game, which I do remember. I hope it helps.

Love you to death, woman.


It really is the little things that say I love you, be it beef broth, or in our case, Ground Hog Day the movie.
Love is knowing you found someone who's weirdness matches your own.


I love that the beef broth is back...I have friends who send the same pair of ugly socks to each other for their birthdays such a fun game of love! Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Kristina Walters @ Kris On Fitness

This was one of the best Valentine's Day post ever! I love all of the memories and pictures. Jude is a very smart boy, you should be proud.

janice adcock

A perfectly wonderful post. Left me in tears of joy. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself in these memories.

Sharon, The Mayor

"A girl that is kind." That is such a sweet kid. Wow, I hope he gets the sweetest girl when it is time to settle down. Such a sweetie.

Angelina Costenaro

I went and read the Beef Broth post. What a great story! It's great that you can have such fun in your marriage, and I'm sure that's how enduring couples last through the tough times. Awesome post! Your son is super sweet and will probably break hearts someday.

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