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Aw, she reminds me a lot of my own mother, who was always the best/worst/hardest/easiest person to buy for. She too would use something until it wore completely out, then would want to replace it with exactly the same thing. There really is a lesson there, isn't there? Dropping in from Mama Kat's!


You deserve an award. I would have just gone with a gift certificate!


I have to take my mom shopping with me to get her something she will use--she can pick it out that way.

Elizabeth Aquino

I was going to suggest Etsy, but I see that you've found something for her. I think it looks fine! Maybe you could stuff it with chocolates!

Ginny Marie

Oh, I just love me a good Mommy story! The wrapping paper story is just too funny! I think she will love her new pocketbook.


I think she will absolutely love it! It is so Mary!

Angelina Costenaro

I so enjoy reading your posts. They're really funny. Yes, wrap the "pocketbook" in pictures of chocolate. That way she'll like it before she even opens it! :)


I think we COULD all learn a couple things from Mommy. What a dear.

Sharon, The Mayor

I think she will love it. She sounds like my mom. My only suggestion is to stuff it full of chocolate. The treat will not melt in the mail.


I kind of want to be this woman when I grow up. She sounds fantastic!

And I actually like the bag!

Krissy @ Mommy Miscellaneous

She sounds like my grandmother. My grandmother constantly says that she doesn't want anything but then she comes up with something she wants. However, she's very vague about it so you really have no idea what it is. I've tried to buy her presents every single year and feel like I have failed. They usually end up in her attic and never used. Very frustrating!!

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