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Ginny Marie

Oh, Gretchen, I'm so sorry that your friend lost her husband too soon. It's so heartbreaking! My cousin lost her husband to cancer a few years ago, and their children were still young. Now their two little girls are in high school and college, and they are fine, but they still miss their dad like crazy. I'm definitely going to do some hugging, kissing and snuggling today!


I'm so sorry Jude has had to deal with death at such a young age, especially close together with George's dad so soon after Gus. It sucks. And as I age I tend to think more about how I would deal with husband's death, how he would with mine, how our children would deal with either. Thinking of you.


I'm so sorry for your loss...moreover I am so sorry that your son had to deal with this loss as well; funny though you wanted to protect him yet somehow he knew exactly what to do hence the need to go see his friend and wanting or needing to be near you and his dad during the funeral...he is a good soul that without any distractions he knew just what to do...your in my thoughts! Marisa

Angelina Costenaro

I'll keep your friend and her kids in my prayers. Your post really brought tears to my eyes! Also, it reminded me how much I miss teaching in the Catholic schools. Those little communities really do know how to pull together in a crisis.


As grown ups we probably handle loss less intuitively because we are used to fixing, or solving, or providing, as you said. I'm sorry for your loss.

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