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:) lovely

Ginny Marie

Oh, Gretchen, I was getting teary at the altar boy part and then you totally nailed it at the end! I just went back to the beginning and read the whole thing over again. Perfect Spin!


Aw, you made me cry, darn you!

This is lovely. Just lovely.


See, love really is many, many colors. One color is just not enough. Although, red is a good one.

Jan's Sushi Bar

This was just wonderful. Thank you.

Elizabeth Aquino

Such sweetness --

Janice Adcock


Angelina Costenaro

Such a great post, I'm not sure where to comment first. I'll start at the beginning (Fraulein Maria did say it's a very good place to start).

1) I want to print out the "Gray" section, show it to my students, and say, "See, kids, this is what I mean when I talk about using the 'full circle' technique in writing. See how she started with the sky being gray and then ended with her hair being gray? That's coming full circle with your writing."

2) Note to self: buy some chocolate ice cream so that you can make some goody juice this weekend.

3) Ha, ha, ha, the priest farted! It must be all those years of teaching middle school that has given me a twelve-year-old's sense of humor. Also, it reminded me of a story I heard on The Catholic Channel on Sirius XM. Have you heard of Mark Hart, the Bible Geek? He tells hilarious stories about sitting in the pews at church and trying to make his brothers laugh in the middle of Mass while they were altar servers.

4) My TV's old, too. I'm now green with envy that you have a new one. ;)

5) Okay, I've finished the post, and now I'm fighting back tears. Your kid sounds like the sweetest thing, and you have a lovely way of writing about your love for him.

Beautiful post!


aw that is just incredibly sweet

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