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American Horror story intrigues me, but I know I could never watch it. The nightmares would not help my already poor sleep.
We have a "laser" tag set of guns and our kid love to play outside with them--the look futuristic and make noise and are good fun for outdoor play, an added bonus, no darts to pick up.


LOL pat of the fun in being a parent is doing embarrassing things, right??

Elizabeth Aquino

I deeply resent those ads for American Horror Story, Coven that are all over Los Angeles -- the ones of the women's mouths with the snakes coming out? I feel almost nauseous when I glance at them -- really.


Like VandyJ I'm intrigued by AHS but eh. I doubt I'd ever watch it. I don't want anything regularly right now, nothing at all. The where to buy casserole supplies IS STILL MAKING ME GIGGLE. And I've never done laser tag but I want to. Becaue I like winning.

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