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janice adcock

Holy cow! I read a blog by someone who will be at the Emmys! You go girl! And tell your friend's husband some husbands will do anything to get out of dressing up...

Ginny Marie

Whoo-Hoo! I'll be stalking you on Twitter! :)


WOW you are so lucky I will vicariously live through you today!!! I love the awards show; I love movies and wow the Emmy's are one of my favorites....we are already planning for the festivities here, I will not be home today off to another life that I am living these days :( ..so hubby will be getting dinner prepared - we are thinking tacos, TJ tacos and fiesta dip, don't ask that is what he can handle) I wrote two posts about the Oscars and one about the Golden Globes.. rooting for so many great shows, downton abbey, homeland, house of cards ...not sure if Orange got nominated....

Have a fun-filled day...enjoy it enjoy it enjoy it!!!!


It was totally creepy but also hilarious. Just reach out and touch...(it would be silly to finish that song, right? OK, I won't.) I wasn't on Twitter last night so I'll have to go back and read your timeline, but this is so exciting! Ah, gotta love CA. I didn't even watch the show, sadly. Think toilet. Water. Floor. ALL OF THE TOWELS.

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