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We took one trip with Nick's family and after that decided that six adults should never live in the same space. And that we are never traveling with his parents again. I feel for you. Alone time can not be overrated.

Jan's Sushi Bar

Mommy seems to be recovering from her fall - I'm glad.

I like to be alone, too. When Beloved goes out of town on business, I often sit in the living room, television off, and listen to ...nothing. It's wonderful.


"She does that, she stands at the bottom of the stairs and kind of shrieks my name at the top of her lungs. It sort of sends chills up my spine." I think that's what mothers DO when they get old. Be advised that Jude will be writing the same thing in his blog about YOU in 20 years. I miss you. We need to start planning for the reunion sometime this fall.

Janice Adcock

This is your first visit to the in laws since I have been reading your blog. Gene and I have been laughing and giggling on and off over the last week as I read 'back issues' of your adventures in Long Island. You are an angel for staying 3 weeks. Our son will have us for almost 2 weeks. I am sure it is a mixed blessing. He does live in a 3 level condo. May have to try the Mommy yell a few times!

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