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So awesome! Congratulations and way to go!


What an incredibly awesome experience! I am so happy for you, Gretchen! And by the way, you are definitely not fat or frumpy-haired...you are beautiful; you rock!
Here's my spin for this weeks Best and Worst. http://suzicate.wordpress.com/2013/05/29/everyone-wants-to-be-the-cool-kid/

 Elizabeth Aquino

It sounds utterly wonderful, Gretchen. I only wish that I'd been there.


Oh wow, yeah...that Lacrimosa! Stunning. So proud of you! What an experience...way to go!

Ginny Marie

What a thrilling experience!! It must have been amazing just to be there!

It was cold and wet in Chicago for Memorial Day weekend, too, and now we've switched to hot and humid.


That is so cool. What an awesome memory to have! Yay!

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