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We can take your cat and/or cats on our blue hair cruise.


Oh that breaks my heart! An I'm not an animal person, either, so that's saying something!

Here's mine for the week! http://viewfromdownhere-viewfromdownhere.blogspot.com/2013/05/my-aversion-to-pets.html


Growing up, my cats were Skunky, Paca, Itty Bit, and Reverse. We had the first two together. Reverse was one of their kittens (he only walked backwards.) When I was in high school my mother took Skunky and Paca and left them in an alley because she was tired of them -- hair, food, litter boxes. I am still devastated and do not discuss it with her still. Itty Bit was a gift kitten that my sister brought home in her pocket. We kept him two months undetected. By the time my mother saw him, we were so attached to him that she couldn't say no (and she rarely tried to deny my middle sister anything.)

I'd love another cat, truly. But, my husband is allergic and refuses to simply live on daily doses of Allegra, Benadryl, and Primatene Mist. I keep asking, he keeps pointing to his throat talking about anaphylactic reactions and swollen itchy eyes and hives. Baby.


Having to have my Frankie kitty put to sleep last year was the hardest things to do...now you have me in tears too!

Ginny Marie

Emmy LOVES cats. She is just dying to have a real kitty, but unfortunately Mommy's eyes get itchy and bloodshot when there is a cat in the room. I do like cats, though.

Rodney was such a cute cat!

My spin is up, late, but at least it's up: http://www.lemondroppie.com/2013/05/fish-lady/

The Red C

Orange tabbies are The Very Best Cats. I had one - Fatty. I have had other cats (similar Cat Lady tendencies here) but I have never been able to have another orange tabby - it seems disloyal somehow. I have known other orange tabbies and they have all been transcendent. Why is that?? Our current grey tabby is nice and all - very affectionate and talkative - but he's no Fatty...


I could totally be a Cat Lady. Nick is a dog person, but me, I love cats. The slide into cat ladyness would be easy
Rodney looks like an exceptional cat. Very handsome too.


I remember well Rodney, Bette, and Imogene. My favorite, by far, was Rodney. :) Remember Katie the Cat???? She lived to be a cantankerous 19. I still miss her. Tom does not...

Janice Adcock

Some of my favorite people are cat ladies. My pets are ready.

Mo @ The Baby Is Fine

that is an awful lot of cats! but i don't blame you - i am a pet person myself. my hubs is allergic to cats, though, so we have to stick with the canine variety. our dream is to create a paradise called "hound island" wherein we own a giant compound that is overrun with one of every species of hound...

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