It is Spring Break here in Second Blooming World. Which means I survived Holy Week and Easter. Not an easy feat, as I'm supposed to sing with my choir in 4 church services, including a 3 hour Good Friday service, and a 2 1/2 hour Holy Saturday mass. I ended up missing the Holy Thursday mass, because I was at Jude's track meet for SEVEN HOURS and missed it.
Easter Sunday was quite lovely. It started with what may well be Jude's last Easter egg hunt. He still believes, but just baaaaaaaaarely. And maybe only because he wants those eggs. He did suggest to me that next year we leave a note for the bunny, asking him to hide the eggs better, so he'd have more of a challenge.
Then after church, we went to an excellent brunch at The Hungry Cat and gorged ourselves on seafood and eggs. After which, I curled up in my bed and played Farmville and watched Absolutely Fabulous on DVD. Which I consider an excellent end to a busy week.
You'll all be happy to know that my tiny virtual Farmville farm survived my Lenten games sacrifice without any loss of tiny virtual life. I know you were all worried.
So, what is Jude doing for Spring Break? He'll be going to a fabulous resort in Palm Springs for 4 days of rest and relaxation. What are Jimmy and I doing? Nothing. That's right, the child is going with his friends, and not us. I'm so jealous I could spit. I'm hoping to use the time to catch up on my writing and various other tasks that I have let fall behind. Though I'm more likely to waste all of my time on my aforementioned tiny virtual farm.
My friend Juliet told me this story the other day, and it's so terrible and yet hilarious that I knew I MUST share. Her daughter is in the CCD class at the church affiliated with Jude's school. The class is preparing for their first communion. The priest who leads the class (who shall remain nameless) decided that for a treat, he would show them a video of Shel Silverstein's The Giving Tree, which he located on YouTube. Unfortunately, he failed to watch the video before showing it to a church full of 7-year olds. Please enjoy...
Oh yes, he did. Apparently, the poor priest managed to get the video turned off before things got really ugly, but not before freaking the crap out of all the children!
Y'all should check this out - Where Should I Shop?
It's a site which lists and gives links to top shopping sites around the internet, divided into 39 categories, from Alcohol to Weddings. I like it because it not only gives the usual Amazon and Etsy links, but also lesser-known sites like AbeBooks and Coriandr. Pretty handy.
Becky, the Suburban Matron [I must insert here that just then, when I typed the word Suburban, I accidentally wrote Subourbon - which was almost certainly a Freudian slip, and would make a great title for something] posted this on Facebook last week, and I COMPLETELY identified.
Do y'all do this? I probably refer to my kid as "Dude" as often as I do by his name. I can't stop myself from saying things like 'sup and yo, which sounds completely idiotic coming out of the mouth of a middle-aged white woman. And I keep using silly rhyming phrases like "Easy peasy" and "Awesome Possom". What stupid slang words did you start out using ironically, but now just use like they're real words?
That's it. GO see Stacy!
Oh em gee, I love the Giving Tree video. I really hate that book, so the video is like the perfect embodiment of the story. Speaking of slang words, oh em gee is one of them. I also have picked up "adorbs" and "'kay thanks bye." Irritating.
Posted by: Shelby | 04/02/2013 at 12:54 AM
I say and write the slang word y'all all the time. That's one dead give away that I'm a Midwesterner. The choir looks lovely with their hats on and the church is very pretty. Glad to hear you had a good Easter.
Posted by: Terra Heck | 04/02/2013 at 01:26 AM
Sprite had a pseudo egg hunt this year due to all the sick that was hanging around our house. And since she lost a tooth the day before, she thought the Easter Bunny and tooth fairy were in it together like in Rise of the Guardians. Luckily, she still believes. Jude looks handsome in his Sunday best though!
Posted by: Sprite's Keeper | 04/02/2013 at 07:16 AM
I use Really!?!, Fabulous, and dude a lot. It's heavily influenced by the boys in the house.
Posted by: VandyJ | 04/02/2013 at 07:23 AM
Um, Terra? Y'all is a real word to even us semi southern folk. I'ma need you to choose something else. HA.
My whole family says 'sup (even the boy), complete w/the head nod. If I want to be really hood, I'll say 'sapnin (and sometimes, only sometimes, I'll add mah man on the end.) I still say word. Does that count? And I still say yo. Oooh, I know. To irk the girls I'll say for reals.
Palm Springs mmmmmm. I wish. My girls are gone to Massanutten, VA with their aunt until Thursday. So far they've bungee jumped, zip lined, swam, visited Luray Caverns, tie dyed some shirts, and gone to a petting zoo. I've gone to work. womp womp womp
Posted by: Arnebya | 04/02/2013 at 07:30 AM
Oh, I say "ermagehrd" a lot. I pronounce it differently every time and it is accompanied by a very unattractive facial expression.
Posted by: Keely | 04/02/2013 at 09:57 AM
I guess I only really piked up "my bad" for a time, which I actually hate more than anything. It's grammatically incorrect anyway!
Posted by: Claire | 04/02/2013 at 10:39 AM
I constantly say "I know, right?" after someone says something to me that I already know!
Posted by: Kendra | 04/02/2013 at 11:45 AM
Great Easter pictures. Love the diversity in the choir. Ours is mostly wasp. Dude, is wasp slang, and y'all is not slang, it is shorthand for a whole lotta folks whose names I can't recall. And the vid is a riot given the presentation setting! Naw, I don't think of much else except just sayin'.
Posted by: Janice Adcock | 04/02/2013 at 10:34 PM
Palm Springs? Man, I'm super jealous, too! And your church is beautiful!
Posted by: Alaina | 04/03/2013 at 08:03 AM