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Ginny Marie

All those pet peeves could be on my list of pet peeves! The wrappers! The shoes! The towels! And also the toothpaste all over the bathroom counter! Seriously annoying.

I think I need to have a family meeting.

Stacy Uncorked

O...M...G... It was as if you were channeling my brain. Or that I'm married to a Jimmy and PN is a Jude. That means I'm a Gretchen and I can live with that. :) I forgot to mention all the wrappers and empty 'stuff' they leave lying around willy-nilly - that's definitely a pet peeve and an annoyance. :)

Thanks for the giggle - and letting me know I'm not alone! :)

Here's my spin for you:



Ha, I love it! Great family meeting!


I find the wrappers, half empty/half full (depends on how I'm feeling that day) glasses all over. I've deleted the soda can problem by not buying soda.
Did you get my spin?


Oh, the wrappers. THE WRAPPERS! And the cups. THE CUPS! We've been using paper cups and the amount of cups on the table will be like 8 and there's only 5 of us. Write your name on your cup and don't throw it away just because you drank one thing out of it, then got more and left half of it. IT'S STILL YOUR CUP! Don't just get another. And the wrappers. Seriously, if you're not going to eat all the chips, there are these little clips that you can use to close the bag LIKE I'M DOING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO ATTEMPTS TO DO THIS!

I didn't get to finish my peeved post because I needed a photo. It's not as worthy a peeve without the photo.


At our house it is the wrappers and the socks. Ugh the stinky socks of my 51 year old and 7 year old -ARAAAAAAHHHHHH!

I feel you.


Family meetings go like this at our house:
Me: JR, you need to cut back on all the Fritos you eat.
JR: When you cut back on all the wine you drink.

Discussion over.


I absolutely love that you told them they have to call their own meeting to complain! And you're my hero for calling a meeting to air your grievances about their annoying habits!

 Elizabeth Aquino

Oh, the wrappers is right. Start taking photos and photos only.


Was going to spin up my poem on ASCI love, but realized I did that one for the Spin Cycle before. So I gathered other Love related poems to get people in the mood:


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