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Hmmm, that one would have been hard for any one to avoid making a snap judgement. Appearances mean a lot. and first impressions are what people go on. But cool that you got to learn more about them and got to change your impression of them.

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Jan's Sushi Bar

We just started watching Breaking Bad on Netflix (I'm enjoying it far more than Beloved, for some reason) and what you say makes sense. I love that one of the "youths" was planning on grad school; you just can't judge a book by its cover, can you?

 Elizabeth Aquino

I love this. It reminds me of an experience I had at a beach in Santa Monica years ago -- a bunch of incredibly skeevy-looking youths with tattoos and piercings, etc. who turned out to be incredibly kind.

It just goes to show ya...


I, of course, can only say "the two yoots."

I love when I happen upon "kids today" who look a certain way then prove me totally biased.

Mo @ The Baby Is Fine

this is great! I'm an LA-er as well...I shall keep this in mind :)

Ginny Marie

That is so funny! I'm not sure the same thing would happen here in Chicago; however, last week there were auditions for the new movie Divergent. They are calling for young, tattooed, and bohemian people. I don't think I qualify! :(


You forgot to add, 'And get off mah lawn!' But that's funny and yeah, that conversation would only happen in LA. I guarantee it would be completely different here in Baltimore....

tina erickson

everything is about a graduate degree now.

Julie Maloney  (@Momspective)

It's good to hear the youth of today isn't just waiting tables hoping to get discovered. Getting a masters is a great tool to have in case acting doesn't pan out (unless the degree is in acting. Can they do that?)

facebook fans

Funny Post
i liked it.

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