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Wow. What great pictures. Who can say they were on Seinfeld? I love the juxtaposition of your photos. You and your life now doesn't look as glamorous but you are more beautiful and so is your life.

Ginny Marie

Oh, I love it! Your post says it all...

Mama Melch

What a very lovely illustration of the way the focus has changed in your years so far.


Yep, behind the camera, not in front of it now that they little people have taken over. I love them dearly, but wonder what evidence there will be that I was there.

My color Spin is up:


You made the Pepsi I've been trying to stay away from nearly come out of my nose.


Oy - I have been TRYING to stop that myself.


Wow, you were on Seinfeld, too? I know someone famous :-)

I find myself doing this now with Aubrey, too. It's sad, really...

Mo @ The Baby Is Fine

Love the one of you, Sein, and the cotton dockers! Just watched that ep two nights ago :)

You totally cheated though...so I cannot fully endorse this post :)


Your still as beautiful as the day I met you!


Arms-length photos, baby. I'm taking more and more with the boys.

Love the story these pics tell, though. 😊


You are definitely photogenic and beautiful! Love the second pic of you!
Here's my spin for this week http://suzicate.wordpress.com/2013/01/10/the-colors-of-love/


Great photos! The kiddos look like they had a ball on New Year's Eve.


I think there re about three pictures of me since the day I married. Turns out I'm a much better photographer and JR is much lazy.

Janice Adcock

Love it!


looks like a good life. kelley—the road goes ever ever on


Hahaha! Perfect summation of life morphing into motherhood.

But was Seinfeld really twenty years ago? I feel ollllld.


omg! that was awesome. so funny as soon as you have kids you are the official family photographer!

Sarah at 32Flavors

This summer we went to Yellowstone. When we got home I started to put together a photo book. Which is when I realized that there is absolutely NO EVIDENCE that I was on the trip. Thankfully, my sister had taken a few pictures I was in and sent them to me.

Dear husband, TAKE MY PICTURE.

You should definitely be having your picture taken, because you are incredibly photogenic.

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