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I always appreciate a good puzzle game; I am totally going to check that out!


I'm going to give that game a try--it's free and sounds entertaining.

OK, now I'm just jealous about the martini bar. the best place in town for martinis closed this summer. A new place opened up but they don't do martinis like the old place did.


30 Rock is hilarious. JR has been watching it much longer than I have but I feel as though I'm catching up.


Sarah at 32Flavors

That brings back some of the trauma of explaining things to my 9 yr old (then 8), who said, "WHY WOULD HE DO THAT? DID YOU HAVE TO DO THAT WITH DADDY?"


My goodness it amazes me the amount of people who did not get on the 30 Rock bandwagon immediately. I LOVES IT SO!

OK 100 Floors, it's on (why, Gretchen? Why would you do this to me? I have one called unblock me that I piddle around with with my oldest daughter but I finish them too quickly for her liking. I need no more addictions!) You know I just downloaded it, right? Ha.

Officially jealous of that menu.

Julia's Math

Netflix has made my love affair with trashy reality TV blossom. It's genius. AND NO COMMERICALS!! That menu makes me wish I loved martinis! I don't get it: I love olives and vodka. Together not so much. Also I love girly fruity stuff. With straight vodka? Again not so much!


Jason is a huge 30 Rock fan. I find it mildly amusing. I'm weird about sitcoms. Some I *adore*, some I simply don't find funny (ahem, Seinfeld). I do get why 30 Rock is popular.

Martini dinner = awesomesauce. (literally!) I love flavored vodka martinis so much.

You should totally teach CPR courses.


Those CPR instructions are hilarious!
The martini bar sounds wonderful...hope you guys had a blast!
Here's my spin on exercise (or perhaps the lack of it!)

Jan's Sushi Bar

Oh, no...all I can do is hope that game is not available for the Droid. I am a puzzle game ADDICT.

Sprite's Keeper

I absolutely love 30 Rock. Alec Baldwin was MADE for Jack.

Michele R.

I really love your random tuesdays. Where do you find all these videos? I mean I know You Tube but do you start out looking at a commercial and then find yourself way over all over the place?
We are famous for jumping on sit com bandwagons way late--we have been watching 30 rock for a year now.
I am enjoying Homeland on Netflix dvds.

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