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Ginny Marie

This is a great list! And with just a couple of tweaks, it's great list of what I want my daughters to learn...and there are a few adults out there that need to work on this list as well!


I kinda did this same thing for my girls...take a look and let me know what you think :)


Laundry! He needs to know how to do laundry. And how to be alone. This is a wonderful list, really. Regarding #14 -- My nephew left for college two weeks ago. While everyone was giving sage advice on studying and time management and the freshman 15, all I had was you can't tell a girl has crabs/herpes/HIV by looking at her. If you don't intend to be connected by that action forever and ever amen, think twice about it.

Sprite's Keeper

So true, all of it! I work on these things with Sprite every day. I like to think I would be a good home-schooling teacher. Some of the lessons in Kindergarten are a little beneath her level since some of the other kids have to catch up, so I usually take things one step further with her at home, working on her reading, practicing her spelling. We work well together, but I agree, that sending her off in the day is a lovely break. Too bad I spend that break working. ;-)

Michele R.

I am enjoying the wonderful silence of kids at school right now......
I think you have a great list. I agree with adding laundry to the list. And cooking. And being able to write a letter. And converse as opposed to texting.

I am late but here is mine!



Ooh, exercise...I totally can do that one. And I love these...all wonderful lessons.


Great list. I second the laundry addition. In fact, we taught our boys how to do laundry at 12. This is important for a whole lot of reasons that I just don't think are appropriate to state here. Just trust me on this one.

Jan's Sushi Bar

If I could add anything it would be:

Don't be afraid to admit when you're wrong; offer a sincere apology and restitution if you can - then do your best never to repeat whatever you said or did that was wrong. It amazes me how many people (and dare I say it? a great many are men) who cannot do this.

You will probably get a spin from me next week, since it's one of the subjects I'm tackling for my new Sanity regime. :)


Those are awesome lessons. I hope he learns them and then remembers them!


Also...my spin is in. Late but better than never!



Never take yourself or your problems too seriously. Laugh at yourself and the absurdity of the world.


Great advice list. I'll have to remember to copy that for when Noah gets older as right now 'you don't spit at anyone. ever.' is about as complicated as we get round these parts.

Geez woman, you throw a mean guilt trip. Off I go to outline an exercise post.

Have a great weekend!


I am taking this list for my boys - blatant plagiarism! (Okay, I'll have to change a bit of it, as we have differing religious points of view, but at least then it'll be lest plagiaricious, right?) This is awesome!!

I would add one I was talking with the boys about recently: A true leader/wise person, is always willing to admit what he doesn't know. He says, "I don't know, but let's find out." (I'll figure out how to say that more eloquently when it's not 10:15pm.)

Oh, also my dad's famous saying, which is often-quoted by all in the family: A day without learning is a wasted day.

Daddy also told me not to judge a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins. I took this one to heart at a young age.

And don't think I didn't see what you did there in the Exercise bit. I saw the word "row." Well played, my dear, well played...

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