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I have to think Mommy would have enjoyed a little of the medicinal brandy and praying (mostly the brandy) but I'm glad you all played it smart and took Coney Island by storm. Enjoy!


Hm. Being able to lie well does come in handy in some instances. Perhaps we should commission Mommy with medicinal brandy to pray for the mama of teen Jude, though?


It is so great that Jimmy could share a terrific memory with Jude and that it was still terrific.

Elizabeth Aquino

I love the vintage-look photos -- and I'm impressed yo
u went on the Cyclone! The last time I went to Coney Island was January 1995 - I was eighteen months pregnant with Sophie and needed to see the beach!

Jan's Sushi Bar

Don't you dare call that sweet boy a liar - he is the child of ACTORS, and just using the talent he's inherited from his marvelously gifted parents.

Perspective, my friend, is everything.


How fun! And the pictures look awesome!


Awww. I was worried there for a minute. So cute.

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