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I have to admit that I'm not much of an Olympic watcher -- except for swimming and track and field. The gymnastics repels me -- their weird, stunted little bodies of inhuman strength.

I hope you have the grandest of times in New York and look forward to some good stories about Mommie.


Wow, I'm now MUCH more into water polo after seeing that photo! Wowzers! They just all look so corny in those little caps!

I love how you get excited for the tiny little countries in the opening ceremonies! I totally get you on that!!! Rooting for our neighbors would be very nice. I agree.

OH, I SO get nervous just like the parents of the athletes! My stomach gets butterflies and I sit on the edge of my seat! Have you seen the parents of the gymnast who can't sit still and wiggle all over the place? I crack up every time I see them!

Great answers!


We are big Olympics watchers here too. Turbo has been quite inspired by the swimmers. I, myself, am quite inspired by the water polo players, beach volleyball players, divers, mens gymnasts. There's some wonderful eye candy out there.


When did swimmers get so ridiculously good looking? They used to be big dorks but this year I'm drooling over all the men! Thank you Olympics!


I obviously need to watch water polo.


daNG WATER POLO. i can't get over the ear helmets though i didn't even notice the delicious men. watching it though i remembered a guy i knew in highschool who was pretty hot and played water polo and walking with him to class i noticed a huge chunk of ear wax in his ear because apparently he had excess build up from playing water polo is what he told me. HUGE turn off.

great answers. thanks for linking up!

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