Woo boy! We are loving the Olympics around here! Jude, after avowing that he only wanted to watch the swimming and the track and field, has been watching EVERYTHING. The other day he sat for over an hour obsessing over Ladies Weightlifting of all things - not the most action-packed sport. I mean, I understand when he got all excited over the Women's Beach Volleyball, as he declared the players to be "foxy" (yes, the child actually used that word), but those weightlifter ladies are not particularly...mmm...not sure how to put this in a politically correct way...how about...girlish.
And despite what almost all of my Facebook friends seemed to think, I loved the Opening Ceremonies. Yes, there was that rather silly business with the young lovers texting each other, and I'd have loved for them to have gone more into their history (I was hoping for a giant Stonehenge, maybe some jousting knights and a sky filled with zeppelins reenacting the Blitz). But I loved the salute to their children's literature, which is definitely the greatest in the world. And I adored that during our countries bickering over Obamacare, the Brits consider their national healthcare system one of their greatest sources of pride.
And the music! The Chinese might have had a lot of spectacle, but the Brits intelligently blew them away with their pop music! The Sex Pistols, The Clash, David Bowie, Adele, The Rolling Stones, The Who, U2, Arctic Monkeys - the music was so outrageous that they're releasing an album of all of it. And of course, Sir Paul topped it off with a mega-singalong of Hey Jude, so how could I not love it?
I saw this on Facebook, and I must admit, I have mixed feelings. Harsh? Yes. Effective? Who knows. But I can't help but think it was rather clever of that dad. And I'm thinking that every parent of a teenage girl is secretly cheering...
Please feel free to discuss...
The other night, I had a dream in which Barack Obama gave me a backrub. Yes, that's right. We were in my bedroom at my parent's house. It was night. But it wasn't like he was my boyfriend or something, he was absolutely the President of the United States. Who just happened to be giving me a backrub in my bedroom. He had a guy with him, who was some kind of Secret Service dude - he stood to the side of the bed where I was being rubbed, waiting politely. After Barack finished his work, he told me I should drink a lot of water, because the massage had probably released a lot of toxins. He and his bodyguard then left my teenage bedroom.
Any dream interpretation is welcome.
For all of you who have sent your kids to Sleepaway Camp. You may identify with this. Enjoy...
The other day, Jude and I were driving in the car, and he spotted a billboard of this movie ad...
...and started laughing hysterically. I asked him what he was laughing at, and he said he'd seen a picture of a baby who had two Daddies, and they were both trying to kiss him, but the baby didn't want them to. "They must have scratchy beards!" Only a Los Angeles kid would naturally assume that it was a baby with two Daddies!
I kind of love this...
So the other day, my friend Darren sent me a link to this site grading Jerry's girlfriends on Seinfeld from A to F. What exactly Darren was doing trolling the internet at some place called BroBible.com, I have no idea. Please feel free to harass him about that when he guestposts for me this Friday! Anyway, if you scroll through all the girlfriends, you will see that I got...A C! A stinking C! The only thing that made me feel any better was finding this site of The Top 20 Hottest Seinfeld Women, where I came in a respectable 9th! So there.
That is enough for now. I have to go pack for our upcoming trip to New York. Undoubtably, there will be much more about that in the future. In the meantime, please visit Stacy and all the other Random Tuesday Thoughtsers.
I had a dream that I got a high five from Barack and I was telling everyone about it! Very odd. Sad thing is, I don't even really keep up with presidential news. Weird. Anyway, happy Tuesday!
Posted by: claire | 07/31/2012 at 05:34 AM
Hope your trip goes well.
I will be doing laundry and packing next week. But if I didn't pack for the boys--they'd be naked inside of three days.
Posted by: VandyJ | 07/31/2012 at 07:20 AM
I've seen the photo of the dad with the daughter, and yes, I give a big cheer secretly every time I think about it. It's certainly not as harsh as the Dad who published the YouTube video taking exception to what his daughter posted on Facebook, then shooting her laptop with a pistol.
As for the dream...well, if I'd had it, it could be interpreted as Mr. Obama performing a job and giving advice for which he is clearly not qualified, while trying to make you feel good about it anyway. I know our politics differ somewhat, so perhaps it means he makes you comfortable. Or at least more comfortable than Mitt Romney. ;)
Posted by: Jan's Sushi Bar | 07/31/2012 at 08:22 AM
I want to stand up and applaud the father punishing his daughter. Can you imagine if more parents were involved? Is that website at the bottom calling him a "fail"?! I found you on Stacy Uncorked's blog hop. Glad I did!
Posted by: Julia's Math | 07/31/2012 at 08:46 AM
For some reason, I am truly simply NOT into the Olympics. I haven't watched a second. Is that unpatriotic? If it were on, I'd watch, but it hasn't been (although the girls are obsessing over it, they do so in the basement where I rarely go because no matter how many times I deodorize, it smells like wetness. Like water pooling under the washing machine and staying for days because someone's husband doesn't seem to think this is a funky issue, let alone bug enticing, let alone dangerous around outlets. Not that I'd know what that smells like, of course. Ahem).
I am conflicted sometimes by public displays of parenting but usually have an overwhelming hell yeah for the parent.
Backrubbing Barack, huh? Was it at least good for you?
You are so much better than a 9.
Posted by: Arnebya | 07/31/2012 at 09:04 AM
I didn't think I was into the Olympics, but we have watched more different events so far this year than I have ever seen. Water polo, handball, fencing, badminton...awesome! You go #9 girl! Anything in the Top 10 deserves a round of applause (actually being mentioned at all, but wow to you!) You're coming to New York? To see me? Oh, no, probably for that little old BlogHer thing, huh? Have a wonderful time!
Posted by: Andrea | 07/31/2012 at 10:18 AM
I have thought about the dream.. I have some odd off the wall dreams so I bought a book... but I still can't come up with any answers to yours. I guess you are good with our prez!
I haven't watched the games. I think I'm the only person on the planet that hasn't that owns a TV. I'd rather watch reruns of Dr Who and Supernatural. Don't get me wrong. I love track and field and gymnastics! I used to turn cartwheels and flips to Nadia's music I taped from the TV. I nearly peed my pants when I found out SHE Lived in Oklahoma and married Bart Conners!!!! OMG!!!!!! But I just can't get into it now.
Posted by: Nadine | 07/31/2012 at 06:18 PM
I wish we could have planned our trips better. I'm going to be on the west coast while you are on the east coast. It just doesn't seem fair. Have a fun and safe trip.
Posted by: Michele | 07/31/2012 at 06:57 PM
People can say whatever they want about that dad. At least, he's an involved parent.
And #9! Go you! And you came in way ahead of some other famous faces. :-)
Posted by: Sprite's Keeper | 08/02/2012 at 12:58 PM