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To be honest Gretchen I think it's wonderful. I'll be 46 this fall and bought my first string bikini since I was 17. My belly is squishy and my boobs sag but I feel good in my own skin and it's been a great incentive me for anyway to watch what I eat and lose a few more pounds.

Good on you girl! I'm proud of you!!


I have a bikini. I bought it 10 years ago for our honeymoon. I wore it while in FL because I didn't know those people. But up here? I haven't worn it since. I have no boobs and it has no padding. I have this one roll/flap of skin that I refuse to show. BUT. This does nothing to deflate my desire to wear it again at some point.

I'm sure you looked amazingly not terribly embarrassing. (I go to my oldest daughter for "how does this look" sessions).

Jan's Sushi Bar

Make fun of you? I'm...agog with admiration. It practically takes an act of Congress to get me in public in a bathing suit. A bikini??? I'd be arrested, simply from blinding large groups of people with the dazzling whiteness of copious amounts of flabby flesh.


That Jude is a brave man. And you're even braver than me. But...I did just have a baby. But I'm not sure I'll ever get in a 2 piece. I'm too chicken.

Let me know how that Oz diet works!

Sprite's Keeper

Sprite's only five, but I learned a LONG time ago never to solicit fashion advice from her. Especially when it comes to how I look in clothes. She blasted me this morning for not wearing the princess crown pin she gave me over the weekend. I told her the flashing twinkle lights were frowned upon at work. :-)


Just because we can still wear a bikini does not mean that we should. LOL


I read an essay by Annie LaMott once in an "O" magazine about women and bathing suits. I'm sure you could find it if you googled it.

I say "go for it," and who the hell cares what anyone thinks (especially our kids!).


In trying to find that article for you, I did find this one and thought it was PERFECT!



seriously? i know you look great in it. rock it! stop the self-questioning and inner-debate.

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