Daylight Savings Time has kicked. My. Butt. I swear, I don't remember ever having a harder time getting my system to adjust. I am dragging. Of course, it probably didn't help that I went to a party on Saturday night and didn't get to bed until 12ish, which was of course 1ish with the time change. And I may have had one or four margaritas. But still...By now I've had plenty of time to catch up on sleep, but I am still dragging. Why is that? Age? Is that it? Yet another symptom of getting old? Or am I just lazy. Ugh.
And speaking of old and lazy...I got into Jimmy's car this morning and realized that his clock on the dashboard, which I have complained about being set to the wrong time for 6 months, because he never "fell back" the last time Daylight Savings Time changed... is now the right time again.
LOVE these!!
Downton Abbey paper dolls!!
You can print them all out from HERE.
Sunday night, Jude and I were in the living room watching Who Do You Think You Are?, when suddenly I heard a bang in the bedroom. A little while later, I heard Jimmy cry out for me in a weak voice? What the...? We ran into the bedroom, and there was Jimmy, with his hand stuck in the window. I should explain that we live in a 100 year old house, which has a number of old house quirks. The sash cords in all the windows are of varying degrees of functionality. Rather inexplicably, the windows in our bedroom operate backwards - the bottom sash stays put, and the upper sash panes open and close. In other words, you open the top of the window by sliding it down. Odd, yes. So apparently, Jimmy had been trying to open the window and the upper part of the window slid down really fast and crushed his hand against the bottom part. Poor thing. I tried desperately to pull the window back up, but it was totally stuck with his hand squished in there. I finally had to stand with one foot on the bed and one foot on the window sill and yank up with all my might and finally freed him! It was really scary, we both thought his fingers had been cut off or something, but after a couple of hours of ice and a handful of Advil, he ended up with just some bad bruises. Whew. But Jimmy is a BIG BABY about this kind of thing. Believe me, Jude's stoicism in the face of pain and injury comes from MY side of the family, not Jimmy's. He's most certainly going to milk his injury for DAYS.
Our UPS man has ruined our little dog, Fancy.
The rather clever man keeps one of the pockets of his brown shorts filled with doggy treats. Every time we get a delivery, Fancy runs out to greet him - straight to his right pocket. She's become very well-trained. Unfortunately, not as a guard dog. Now, every time ANYONE comes to the door, she runs out and starts to lick their right legs, expecting to be given a treat. The other day, the FedEx man delivered a package, and when she ran out to him he said "Sorry, I don't keep treats like the UPS man!" I guess he's ruined all the dogs in the neighborhood!
Two miscellaneous boring business things...
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And since you just put up with that dullness, I will reward you with these funny things...
Okay, you've worn me out. Dang, this time change thing has kicked. My. Butt. Oh wait, I already said that, didn't I. Well then you should head over to Stacy's for more random thoughters.
The time change is totally kicking my butt, too. I think it's worse than before, because they take it away for longer than they used to. I want my hour back! :)
Jimmy's just like my hubby - from the not changing the clock in his car to the baby mode when he gets injured or sick. They could be brothers! :)
Our FedEx person is the one who carries treats - so the dogs are happy to see her...the UPS guy, though doesn' they're not as receptive to him. ;)
Those texts are hysterical!! :)
Posted by: Stacy Uncorked | 03/13/2012 at 05:25 AM
the dowager... the facial movement was the eyeroll. Funny!
Posted by: Nadine | 03/13/2012 at 05:41 AM
Men. *sigh* The stomach flu went through our house right as Jolly and The G Man were moving into their own place. First G was hurling, then Jolly, then me, then Beloved, then The Young One. For every last one of us, we plowed through it all, doing what needed to be done - which, for me, included cooking dinner for eight, cleaning house and going back to work.
Except for Beloved, who took three days off from work and laid around the house, doing his impression of Olivia de Havilland's death scene from Gone with the Wind. It was truly disgusting.
Posted by: Jan | 03/13/2012 at 05:45 AM
The older I get, the easier I find it is to simply accept things like Daylight savings. Except this time, I AM really tired. I have no motivation at all! Ugh.
Posted by: claire | 03/13/2012 at 06:02 AM
Oh, yes, Daylight Savings has kicked my butt too. I'm just catching up on my posts from the entire weekend now thanks to it! ;-)
Posted by: Sprite's Keeper | 03/13/2012 at 07:25 AM
Are these text messages really real? I mean, it's difficult to fatham these are actual texts. Oh well, regardless if they are real or fake, they are pretty funny. Glad Jude's hand is okay. One time DD#2 climbed onto the edge of the bathtub to do something, slipped, hit her head on the corner of the sick and gashed her forehead in her left eyebrow pretty badly. She was only 4 or 5 at the time. That scared me to death! She couldn've killed herself, the thankfully the Lord works in mysterious ways and kept her from serious harm. Thanks for the random!
Posted by: Cathy Kennedy | 03/13/2012 at 08:01 AM
I don't even want to discuss daylight saving. Seriously. And I sent my husband the chinese mafia text before I finished typing this. Because he's my only friend.
Posted by: Arnebya | 03/13/2012 at 08:57 AM