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I'm sorry to hear about the vertigo -- what is about women of our age and this disorder? I know three people, now, who are suffering through it!


I hope your fog is fleeting! Those photos are fantastic!


Nooooo - the last time you had vertigo, it wound it's way all up here to northeast Ohio!

And thank you for the linky love; you'll LOVE the fingerlings. I can't wait to hear about your veggie deliveries!


Your dinner sounds great.
Oh to go camping now--however, here we would freeze our unmentionables off.
Great pictures though!


My boys would have LOVED to be there...plain old fun!!
hope you are feeling better..that stinks!
I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.


Home delivered veggie? Brilliant!!! Oh oh oh please come to Texas. Just don't make it in June when I'll be in L.A.

Ginger @ Small Town USA

Hope you feel better. Great photos!


oh i adore all of the pictures, looks like some good times with some great kiddos!

hope the vertigo ends quickly, no fun at all!

thanks for linking up with us!


Oh no! Vertigo is too much like morning sickness!

Feel better!

Sprite's Keeper

Ha! I'm logging in on my iPad and I can comment! must be my work PC.


you need acupuncture. it'll help with the vertigo, helps clear congestion.

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