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And I thought my heart shaped meatloaf was clever. You totally win - my mouth is watering thinking about it!


I am getting the elliptical all drooly wet with fondue longing!


I just tweaked it to keep out the gluten, of which there's been far too much in the house since Jolly and The G Man have been here. I love them both to death, but I'll be very glad once they've moved into their new town house.

Isn't fondue fun? All of The Young One's friends just loved it - I'm so glad Jude did, too.


Oh, that looks and sounds like such fun. Nick and I did fondue with friends for New Years one year. They had the cheese kind and a broth kind. It's easiest to have two sets and have cheese and broth going at the same time. Then while your meat cooks, you eat cheesy goodness. Patience problem solved.
Oh, my spin is up:

Sarah at 32Flavors

We did the broth fondue for my sister's very small wedding reception. I was 16, and I remember thinking it was the coolest meal I'd ever had.

We picked up a heart shaped pizza (hooray for no cooking!) and had a lovely evening. I got the best Valentines ever from my older two. They enjoyed showing us all of their Valentine loot from school. It was nice.


I had fondue for Valentine's Day one time! And then I got fondid at the beach. I can't believe I just said that.

I think that is the coolest! It sounds like a perfect evening for sure. What are you watching on Netflix these days? You saw all the BBC Sherlock's right? That put me on a Benedict Cumberbatch kick. This is turning into a whole other topic. xo

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