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I haven't seen a slug in ages but my grandparents used to get them on their sidewalks all the time. I remember being fascinated by them.


I don't have a signature accessory, but I do have my "style" - I wear basically the same thing almost every day (pants/tshirt/button-up overshirt), just in different cuts/fabrics/length/etc. I am the Queen of Separates. :)

And now I need to go tell my landlord he isn't really, well, fat. Just big boned, maybe?


It's too dry here for slugs. Instead, just so I don't feel left out of the stepping on icky things, my cat kindly throws up right where I will be sure to step in it.


I don't have a signature accessory. Hmmmm. I'm on the cusp of a new era of my life, perhaps I will adopt one.

You knew Mr. Bubble? How cool!

Sarah at 32Flavors

Shoes used to be my signature. Back when I went places. Not a certain shoe, but the wide variety of shoes I had at my disposal. There was a little girl at my church who also loved shoes, and referred to me as the Shoe Lady. Which I hope is better than Crazy Cat Lady. But who knows?


I have a signature shoe, Chuck Taylor Converse in a wide variety of colors. I also have a pair to match every pair of pants, skirt or dress I own. And yes, I wear them with skirts and dresses.


I think foxy is a good word, it's ok. Stepping on a slug? YUCK! That would freak me out. Visting from Stacy's place.

Stacy Uncorked

I don't think I have a signature accessory - I think I'm going to have to join you in your quest to find one. ;)

I about jumped out of my skin when I read about you stepping on a slug - ewwwwwww! I don't miss them - we had them in abundance in Washington State, but haven't seen one here in PA. Nor have I ever stepped on one. ;)

I bet Princess Nagger would like that chicken!

Sorry about the loss of your friend - it's sad it seems like most of the great voice-over guys are just about gone.


love love love chicken piccata!! and it's the only way I got my mother inlaw to ingest wine!!


I have been trying to figure out my signature accessory for years. No luck.

As for you...a scarf would do, but maybe the sunglasses? Honestly, I think your smile is your signature already.


I grew up with "Warning Will Robinson".

Have a great day!

Ginny Marie

I guess my signature accessory would be my glasses. Although I desperately need a new pair and I want bolder frames this time around. Either that or my little diamond earrings, which I received from my husband on our first anniversary. A 3-year-old in the preschool class I teach covets them because her religion doesn't allow her to get her ears pierced. She already know this at three!


I think my glasses are all I have too! I can't wait to try your piccata recipe!

unmitigated me

I have just finished making the piccata. Can't wait to see what Jim thinks!

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