This week on The Spin Cycle we're cooking up stories!
Share a recipe you love, and the story that goes with it. Or...share a story you love with the recipe that goes with it. Either way, link it up here!
Here come the spinners...
Ginny Marie at Lemon Drop Pie
Peg at Square Peg in a Round Hole
Jan at Jan's Sushi Bar
Vandy J at The Testosterone Three and Me - NEW on THURSDAY!!
Aimee at AimeeWrites - NEW on THURSDAY!!
Share your spin!
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Et voila! Linked!
Here's my spin!
Posted by: Peg | 01/31/2012 at 04:07 AM
And I'm up!
Posted by: Jan | 02/01/2012 at 06:14 AM
Phew! I did it. It isn't pretty, but here you go...
Posted by: Aimee | 02/02/2012 at 09:32 AM