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Gretchen, I'm in stitches. You really should have photographed yourself in the goggles for us! I am sure the marmalade was divine - my mouth watered when I read the recipe -- but lawd, honey! Here's what I make every year for neighbors, cribbed from a cute blog, Fly Through Our Window -- honey cinnamon butter -- easy peasy (four ingredients) and super cute in the little 4 oz Ball jars. http://www.flythroughourwindow.com/2009/12/yesterday-rain-paint-butter-bruises/

Sprite's Keeper

Hee hee, you should put Drano in the ingredients! That was hysterical!

The Bug

That sounds really yummy! I think maybe they must have meant "viscous" - which also, in this case, means done :)


You *hand sliced 32* pounds of onions?!? Dear, don't you have a food processor with a slicing disk or a mandolin? And I think The Bug hit the nail on the head; I think the word the recipe meant was "viscous."

Now I'm going to go and try to figure out if this can be made without 3 cups of refined sugar, because my gawd - it sounds good.


I think the original word was also probably "viscous",but "vicious" is what that Marmalade was to you.

I certainly admire your ambition. I'll stick with gift cards.


I'm so not that ambitious. Wonderful story though.

Erica@Pines Lake Redhead

Perhaps you should learn how to knit and you could make everyone scarves next year? But that wouldn't be as entertaining, would it? For us readers, that is.


I feel your pain. I'm am currently fast tracking 14 cups of limoncello. You really need about a month to get it right. I started last Wednesday. Needless to say, the attached cards will include the instructions to "let it sit for at least another 2 weeks before using." Also, needing to drink 14 tiny bottles of Sutter Home Chardonnay so I can use their cute little bottles with the bright yellow tops for the individual gifts. I now have a pyrex bowl of white wine in my refrigerator. And at least your 32 lbs of onions are now gone. I'm still wondering what to do with my 20 naked lemons. Between them and the wine, I'm most of the way to a White Sangria Christmas. Have a wonderful holiday.


I don't know, there are some pretty hilarious knitting disaster stories out there, Erica!

Two words, Gretchen: FOOD PROCESSOR. That's how we chop onions whenever more than one is called for. Great for chili, um...other recipes, I'm sure, but we mostly use it when we make chili.

I sure hope the teachers all appreciate that marmalade!!


Oh My God.

andrea-maybe it's just me

SWIMMING GOGGLES!!!!!!! I so hope I can remember that when salsa making time rolls around again! I like how you think we will be brave enough to try the recipe! Hilarious (sorry).

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