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Sprite's Keeper

I knew exactly which poem the title had been taken from and was dying to read more about this woman. After reading your tribute, and scanning through her site, all I can think is, What a woman! You're linked!


I've stopped in on her blog before and I find her honest and willing to expose her feelings. Sometimes a rare commodity in the blog world. Very nice tribute to this wonderful blogger. Merry Christmas Gretchen, Elizabeth and families.


Oh, my. I just don't know what to say, other than you've got me pegged, Gretchen -- at least on the more negative stuff! When I saw the photo of you and me, together, the first thing I thought was that you have far superior cheekbones; in fact, you HAVE cheekbones, which I lost years ago. All vanity aside, though, thank you. Thank you for this sweet post; thank you for honoring me in such a way. I love our friendship and am grateful for it. Thank you.


Wow, that was a daunting task, Gretchen, and you rose right up to the occasion. Elizabeth is amazing and your tribute was lovely.


I know Elizabeth slightly from the bloggy world, and from a mutual friend, and while I don't know her well, I think you've done her and her blog justice. I too get a bit tired of the Perfect Mommy blogs. I love it when bloggers dare to be honest and say things that our "The Secret" loving culture frowns upon. Wonderful tribute.


Recently I had to pare down the blogs I read to a precious few. A moon... Is one of the ones I continue to read every day. I agree with the mixture of qualities you mention and her honesty somehow gives me strength. I believe you are right on in your characterization of her blog.


Elizabeth gives me courage and makes me laugh when my path leads through dark places. I couldn't ask for more. Your tribute was terrific.


Wow, love this tribute, so right on. I find her so real and smart and generous and lovely and fun. This was beautifully written and felt and shared. Thank you.

Elizabeth Westmark

I love Elizabeth, too. Her writing uplifts me, stirs me, inspires me, and sometimes shames me. The powerful triple engines of her heart, mind and spirit are something to behold.

It was a joy to read your eloquent tribute.


What beautiful and loving words for your friends. I will definitely go and read her.


Elizabeth rocks. Thank you for showing her much deserved love!


Thank you, Gretchen! I have just spent a half hour reading through Elizabeth's writings, and I have added her to my Google Reader. I can't wait to experience her on a daily basis.

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