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We could never afford to get away either and our kids were good travelers. So we decided early on to get away as a couple once a year. No excuses! And, we usually did.

When I come in June can we go up there? Hanging out with librarians all day is rough. I'll need a hot tub.


That looks awesome. Seriously I think the last real date hubby and I had we rode the Harley to a movie. Star Trek.

Sprite's Keeper

Oh, that looks amazing. And yes, as much as I adore Jude, ditch the kid for the weekend and do it!
You're linked!


That looks like an amazing place for a dream date. I hear you on the getting away thing. It's tough to find a sitter, even with family in town, I hate to impose since they watch them when I work. So they go with us.

Sarah at 32Flavors

I have been out to dinner twice. Since January. TWICE. I have not spent a whole night without children since. Well. Long before Zoey was born.


And these mineral springs and wine? Good gracious. I don't know what you're waiting for - I'd laugh "suckers!" in the face of the 80 year olds in the ad and get there as fast as possible.


It is hard to go somewhere without the kid and spend the money on yourself but that looks like it would be worth it!


That's a problem I'm sure many parents wish they had... The kids just too much fun to be without. We're the same way, though. We went out to dinner for our anniversary and missed the boys. Meh, there will be more than enough time when Jude goes to college, right?


Oh, if it has a rubber ducky I'm there...

Love the hot tub. I must agree that my wife and I have not had too many fancy dates in quite a while. I'd better start making my reservations now for Valentines Day.


I was always sort of the same way. As much as I may have needed to "get away" I couldn't stand to be away from my kids!

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