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Sprite's Keeper

LOVE IT! And frankly jealous of it.


Awesome! Now I want to know more of the adventures of the Thespian Avenger and of course Water Boy!


SO jealous! Awesome graphic, Keely. Horatio is, of course, the piece de resistance.


Wow, even as a cartoon she has a great rack. Insanely jealous. And Water Boy? Looking awesome, as always.


I'm jealous. I really am --


Incredibly jealous.

Ginny Marie

I voted! And I'm jealous, too...those superhero boots are awesome!


As always, perfect!

Hey, Wait! Why does Thespian Avenger have a bigger rack than Super Librarian? Is this a stereotype thing?


So jealous I'm vomiting into a barrel of goldfish!

Michele R.

So jealous. look at the arm definition! The water boy is so cute and looks ready for camp. Gretchen, you are a super hero for doing the camp!


That looks JUST LIKE YOU! You are a kickass superhero and Keely is a kickass artist. And I remember that chick at BlogHer telling Keely she was huge in the UK. We were all like, duh!

Hope you're having fun camping!

Stacy Uncorked

AHAHAHA! I love it, Keely! Your creativity knows no bounds! Seriously. ;)


Hi, came here from Keely's blog.. I love Keely, she's amazing.. :D You're pretty awesome yourself.. :)

I am beyond jealous! :P I want one too! :D I must learn how to politely nag her to do one for me, haha.. :D

Voted for your blog on the Circle of Moms Top 25 thingy.. :D Hope you win!

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