Today's RTT is courtesy of Jenni from Oscarelli!
Jenni is someone I have actually met and hung out with. We played together for two days at BlogHer last year, and I'm SO lucky to have met her. She's super smart and funny and wry and honest. Believe me, you would want to have her as a friend. She lives in Washington D.C. with her neato husband Nelson and two darling and busy boys, Oscar and Miles. If you don't know her already, PLEASE check out her blog.
And make sure you leave a nice comment for her so she knows you care.
I am still in the wild with the boys. In order to help me survive this ordeal, please VOTE for me for Circle of Moms Top 25 SoCal Mom Blogs. Just click the button below, scroll down until you find me (way behind all those big bloggers- HELP) and click the Thumbs Up button. Remember you can vote EVERY DAY. I need your vote!
But enough of that.
Without further ado, I now present to you Random Tuesday Thoughts, Oscarelli style.
Random Tuesday? I got your Random Tuesday right here!
*I'm coming out of RTT retirement for Gretchen. So now she owes me. You know, I actually MET Gretchen in real life about a year ago at BlogHer. I was treated to a live rendition of feminine hygiene commercial. She was hilarious and she nailed it. She felt it. It was...moving. I may have started menstruating right then and there.
*I was at NIH for this nutrition study the other day and the building had one of those humongous automatic revolving doors? Do you know them? They are like four or five times the size of your average revolving doors and they have motion sensors so they only work when a person is inside. BUT, they have a fail safe so no one can get smashed. Anyway, like five or six people walk through these giant doors at once, and I was going through this guy kept trying to slip through when it was almost closed, so the doors would stop moving, STOP! And then I'd stop, and the lady behind me would step on the back of my shoe and the guy would pull back from the door and it would revolve again then he'd try to get in again and this happened three times. I mean, did he not get it? Why not wait 10 seconds for the next revolution? Why cause the mutilation of my heels? I mean, yeah, it was 107 degrees outside, but if surely 10 more seconds would not have fried him.
*Speaking of the heat, boy howdy has it been hot over here on my side of the states (DC, for those of you that don't know.) I'm pretty sure I saw a bird panting on Thursday. Do they even do that? Some evil genius must have activated a weather machine because this kind of heat is just not right.
*My dog has seasonal allergies and itches all the time. There is nothing to be done. There are balls of black fur littering every corner of my home. They are beginning to encroach on our living space. I'm not sure what to do. Is this what vacuums are for?
*The other day my dog was scratching and her leg started thumping on the floor and she starting bark, bark, barking! She thought someone was knocking on the door, but it was HER OWN LEG thumping on the floor making the noise. Thank god that dog doesn't have to work for a living. She'd never make it in the real world.
*I realize this is a totally first world problem, but does anyone else's cleaning lady put stuff away in the strangest locations? Like, shoes in the bottom of the china cabinet, baby monitors in the toy bins, random toys in the clothes hampers, gift cards jammed in to bookshelves? I'm not sure if this is a passive aggressive way of telling me that I leave too much crap on my floor, or if she's deliberately trying to drive me slowly insane.
*I washed and dried an entire load of my 4-year-old's laundry with a purple crayon. So that was fun.
*Last night my 2.5-year-old refused to wear his pajamas. Instead, he wanted to wear a full set of day clothes including socks and a baseball cap. He was pretty pleased with himself. And you know what? After he woke up, I just let him wear those clothes all day long. One less costume change. He may be on to something...
*I've decided that I just can't take Christian Slater seriously. It's like he's constantly doing a Jack Nicholson impression. What is up with that? I mean, I like Bill Clinton and all, but I don't go around eating Whoppers and doing interns all day long. That does sound fun though.
Okay, that's as random as I've got. I have to peel myself off my chair and go take my third shower of the day. Go see the other Random players and keep it Random folks. Stay cool.
I seriously hate when people can't figure out those doors. Granted I hate those doors but please even I figured them out quickly.
And what about the ones that stand on the left? Come on people, it's stand on the right, walk on the left. Doesn't matter what city you're in BTW. The rules are the same!
Posted by: Michele | 07/26/2011 at 07:35 AM
Oh how I love Jenni Oscarelli!
Gretchen's right, she is ten kinds of awesome, and only nine exist!
I feel the same way about Christian Slater, I often joke to John about who's imitating who with the Nicholson references.
We don't have crayon issues in our laundry, we have gum issues. I've taken to searching John's pockets now to make sure it doesn't add three more cycles to my current laundry load.
Posted by: Sprite's Keeper | 07/26/2011 at 07:48 AM
Have yet to encounter a crayon in the laundry, but with Bruiser's love of coloring, I'm sure it will happen. I have given random Lego guys the whole wash, rinse and fluff routine. They take it well though, until they start to clatter in the dryer. Lovely sound that.
Posted by: VandyJ | 07/26/2011 at 08:21 AM
Revolving doors give me the heebie jeebies. I don't know if I'll slam my face into it when I enter or exit. This happened to me one time. Really! My husband died laughing at the sight of me plowing straight face into the door, too. Now, I simply try to avoid them at all cost. No need to have a repeat incident and humilate myself again, right?
Keep the rebellion rockin on...
Check out….Blah to Hooray…Random Tuesday Thoughts
Visitng from Tuesday’s blog hop…
Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes
Posted by: Cathy Kennedy | 07/26/2011 at 08:36 AM
1. I vote for passive aggressive cleaning lady.
2. I feel the same way about Slater. Nicholson the Younger has wigged me out for years, even when (or maybe because) my sister was obsessed with him in high school, and I was subjected to many, MANY films of his. I've blocked the experience. Mostly.
Posted by: Aimee | 07/26/2011 at 09:25 AM
LOVE the randoms! Giggling like a fool here!!!
Posted by: Kristine | 07/26/2011 at 10:33 AM
This is great.
When my son was in preschool, he had such a problem getting dressed in the morning that I would dress him in regular clothes rather than pjs. That way we had no fights in the morning. Then, he wised up to what I was doing and it's been hell ever since.
Posted by: Patty | 07/26/2011 at 07:17 PM
Thanks Jenni, I'm totally going to let my kids go to bed in their cloths now.
Posted by: Captain Dumbass | 07/26/2011 at 09:19 PM
I've been letting X go to sleep in his play clothes for ages. He decided he hated pajamas for whatever reason, so in the morning I sometimes have to put pants on him and that's it. I'm sure the daycare secretly judges me when he shows up in the same shirt two days in a row, but whatevs.
Posted by: Keely | 07/27/2011 at 10:06 AM
Wait, are you sure it's the cleaning lady moving your krappe around? That happens at my house, and I definitely don't have a cleaning lady (the dust bunnies will attest to that). Sounds like the work of a toddler to me.
At least your kid sleeps in clothes. My little one sleeps in his diaper (and only because he knows he'll be in trouble if he takes that off). If we clothe him, he takes it off the minute we're out of the room. It could be 2 degrees out, when we go to get him he's in diaper. Awesome.
Posted by: MamaBadger | 07/27/2011 at 12:00 PM
Love it!
Posted by: Monica | 07/27/2011 at 02:14 PM
ugh the crayons! But have to admit while shopping for school supplies the other day I did not need to buy crayons, but I opened a package just to sniff them.
Posted by: Michele R. | 07/28/2011 at 12:58 PM
Jenni!!!!!!! So nice to see you come out of RTT retirement - sorry about the lateness in commenting, I'm just getting caught up! :)
People who can't figure out those doors are lame - particularly when it takes them three times (or more) to do so.
Crayon laundry is not fun.
My hubby cleans up like your cleaning lady does... ;)
Thanks for randoming up! Nice to 'see' you again! :)
Back to School, Mother Nature's Menopause, Ancient Shells: RTT Rebel
Posted by: Stacy Uncorked | 07/31/2011 at 02:08 PM