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Yeah, you've got to be careful what you wish for. You might get it but not quite the way you meant to.
Fun spin!

Sprite's Keeper

Ooh, that version gave me shivers. I've heard several versions of The Monkey's Paw, usually involving the son dying and wishes 2 and 3 end up the same way.
I think the Simpsons told that story best though. :-)
You're linked!

Lynn @ Curly Girl's Music World

Spooky! I reminds me to be very careful what stories I tell Julianna and Isabella!


I knew I should have stopped reading the minute I read "Monkey's Paw"...

Now I may never wish again.


Just like the old adage: "Be careful of what you wish for-- you may just get it" I tend to want to get a wish just right as well.

Great Spin!

Ellie Belen

Yes, this is my problem as well. That story ruined me for wishes. I fear that if I wish something, especially something selfish, the result will be an ironic twist.


Love this spin, great reminder!

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