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Well -- you know I have three children and the two boys have already started to drive me nuts and we're only on the THIRD day of summer break. Although I haven't heard the boring refrain yet, I do hear the bickering and the sight of them on their various electronics makes my stomach turn. I know it's me -- my problem -- but I might have to get with The Program.


I think it's brilliant. I'm keeping it in mind for if/when the "I don't know what to do"s start.

For now, though, they are shockingly eager to please, even going so far as to happily embrace learning all about the FlyLady method of keeping one's house clean. I'm impressed, and crossing my fingers that it lasts awhile...

Sarah at themommylogues

We're starting Monday. I can't decide if I should include weekends or not. Meanwhile, Natalie (6) has TWO birthday parties this weekend, not counting her own sister's which she will miss. We are hosting 10 post-second graders for a Y pool party. Even before we ok'd it, we announced it would be the last big party ever. Which makes it the only big party.

Which brings me to: When did goody bags get to be such a thing? I remember getting the OCCASIONAL goody bag at a party. Now no one comes home without one. Long ago, it was a few stickers, a dum dum sucker and a stick of gum. Now it looks like they've cleaned out the Chuck E Cheese treasure trove. What the stink?

unmitigated me

I am convinced that kidsneed to learn to entertain themselves. I kept a chore list on the fridge, and that was my answer to, "I'm bored."

Lisa @ Boondock Ramblings

It all sounds so stressful and complicated. Is your backyard enclosed? Just push him out and lock the back door. It's what I do. :-)

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