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Michele Renee

When my son learned about her two years ago (and therefore taught me), my MIL was all excited to tell him what she knew too, having lived in Daytona Beach since 1963. The story is that she arrived and started the school with one dollar in her pocket. Thanks for all the info! E. Roosevelt does fit into this month!

The Bug

I love this story! Thanks for sharing it.


Mary Bethune was a marvel! Thank you so much for sharing her story.

Here are a few other black history month projects from the Univ. of Houston.


Thanks for the history lesson. It's always nice to learn about influential people...especially women!

Sarah at themommylogues

Ooooo...I like her!

The Red C

The library next to the Martin Luther King Park on Western & MLK is the Mary M. Bethune Memorial Library. There is a beautiful (and protected) mural by artist Charles White that was removed as a giant segment of wall from the *old" MM Bethune Library that used to be on Vermont across the street from USC. One of the conditions upon which the new "regional" library was approved by the neighborhood groups/CRA/park advisory board was that the name not be changed and that the mural be re-positioned there. Here's a link to the mural, which is a great source of pride in our community. http://www.publicartinla.com/LA_murals/USC/charles_white_mural.html Check it out - you'll love it, too. Last thing about the library - it is the ONLY library in southern California to have gold-certification as a LEED building, which means it is totally "green". Take yourself a little field trip down to see it sometime! I am very proud to have been there for the opening of this library :)

Captain Dumbass

Thank you for that, what an amazing woman.

Sprite's Keeper

Sounds like a strong woman.

Aimee @ In THIS Life

I did learn something, and I teared up a bit, too. Thank you.

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