I love me some Ricky Gervais. I really do. And I think pretty much everything he does is hysterical. That said...
Did Ricky Gervais go too far as the host of the Golden Globes? Mmmm...I think so. I feel like he set out to go too far, and he succeeded. What I always love about Ricky is that he's irreverent, and calls all the Hollywood posers on their crap. You know what I mean? Some people deserve being mocked. Charlie Sheen? Fair game. 84-year old Hugh Hefner marrying a 24-year old? Fair game. "Sex in the City 2" poster airbrushing? Fair game. "The Tourist" getting nominated for ANYTHING?! Fair game.
But he crossed the fair game line. Saying he'd popped the teeth into the guy who was the President of the Hollywood Foreign Press Assn? Not cool. Outing gay Scientologist actors? Not cool. Saying Bruce Willis was Ashton Kutcher's dad? Really?
And then some of the jokes were just plain bad. Too easy. Saying we all knew Robert Downey Jr. best from "the Betty Ford Clinic and the Los Angeles County Jail"? Cheap. Been there done that.
After about an hour, you could literally feel the audience turning against him. People just got tired of the meanness. It stopped being funny. Robert Downey Jr. had the best line "Aside from the fact that it's been hugely mean-spirited with mildly sinister undertones, I'd say the vibe of the show has been pretty good so far." Tom Hanks said "We remember when Ricky Gervais was a slightly chubby but very kind comedian." Followed by Tim Allen saying "Neither of which he is now." Yikes.
I wish he'd had an editor, or a stronger director. Somebody who encouraged him to be honest and call people on their bull, but stopped him from veering into the mean-spirited.
I fear he will NOT be hosting again.
What was up with the entire Best Motion Picture -Comedy or Musical category? "The Kids Are Alright" (which won) was the only film in the entire category that wasn't a total piece of crap. "The Tourist" was a comedy? Really? I mean, it may have been a joke, but I think it was an unintentional one. "Burlesque"? Wow. "Alice in Wonderland"? "Red"? It's a sad state of affairs when these are the best films they could come up with.
Love, love, LOVED all the middle-aged women winners! Annette Bening, Melissa Leo, Katey Sagal, Laura Linney and Jane Lynch all won big, all totally deserved it and all looked hot. Okay, in truth, Annette Bening's hair looked nuts, but in a sort of cool way...
Do y'all remember our friends Julie and Barry? I talked about them a while back and told you about our wacky hospital visit to see Julie after she'd had a brain aneurysm. Well, in addition to being some of our closest friends, they also happen to be Robert De Niro's best friends. It's true. Which you'd think would give us an "in" with Bobby D, but alas, Barry's really protective of him. We have met him a couple of times and once went to his house in the Hamptons (he wasn't there!), but that's about it. Anyway, who was sitting right there at the Golden Globes at the FRONT TABLE with De Niro? Barry and Julie. Looking very glamorous, by the way. We kept calling Barry on the cell during the show and leaving subversive messages. Heehee.
My nomination for creepiest pairing of the evening...
Yes, Geoffrey Rush and Tilda Swinton gave new meaning to the phrase "odd couple". They were just plain odd.
Did y'all see Jane Fonda? Looking hot at 73, God bless her...
Today, I ran into a mom from another school, who said that when she saw Jane during the Globes, she immediately called a plastic surgeon friend of hers (who I'm suspecting she'd used the services of a few times, based on the perkiness of her breasts) and asked him what on earth Jane had done to her face. The surgeon friend said that Fonda had had the latest kind of facial peel, something called a Phenol Peel, which is considered the "atomic bomb" for wrinkles. It is super strong and requires a TWELVE WEEK RECOVERY PERIOD! Could you imagine? Having your face look like raw hamburger meat for 12 weeks! Well...I guess if you've got the time and the money...
What was up with all the nude/champagne/flesh-toned gowns? I actually started counting them. My rough estimate, and this was only of the women who either won or presented, was 14! I hate it when everybody's stylist hops on the same bandwagon. I mean, a lot of these dresses were beautiful, but in truth, most women looked pretty washed-out in beige.
And speaking of beige...Scarlett Johansson looked lovely. But what was up with that hair?...
...it reminds me of something. Oh that's right, perhaps it's this...
Eva Longoria. Hotcha! Talk about a pair of Golden Globes! Rimshot intended.
Jennifer Lopez...
Okay, I know I'm a bitch, but all I could think was "Quinceanera, 1979". I mean, I know that most of you don't remember 1979, but I swear that dress is Qiana and spaghetti straps.
Dress I would personally give my eye-teeth for...
I think I'd look fabulous in it. I could wear it to my big birthday party coming up! You think Catherine Z-J would hand it over?
So bad that even Jimmy noticed...
Jimmy HATES all the fashion stuff, and never, ever even says a word about any of it. But with this one he actually said "What the hell is that?" I can't imagine what she was thinking.
Best dress of the night...
Olivia Wilde - princess perfect.
Most horrible dress of the night, but who cares because she's just so damned cool only she can get away with it...
Helena Bonham Carter. Love her because she truly does. Not. Give. A. Crap.
Okay, that's my two cents. Actually, it was more like me 46 cents. Or so.
For more Tuesday randomness, head over to Miss Keely...
LOVE the princess thing. Of course, I'd never look that good in it but still loved it.
Posted by: Michele | 01/18/2011 at 03:58 AM
Z-J's dress is amazing, I agree it would look great on you, but I really think red is a better color for you. And HBC was so amazing in The King's Speech, I am ready to have a child with her. And Colin Firth...and Geoffrey Rush...and everyone else in that film. Except Guy Pearce who played a spoiled brat. Thank God he abdicated.
Posted by: unmitigated me | 01/18/2011 at 04:35 AM
I don't watch awards shows, and am apparently missing out.
Scarlett Johansson's hair looked better than Annette Benings. And there was a time I'd have said nasty things about Jane Fonda and her plastic surgery, but it's amazing how tempting the entire idea becomes when you're staring 50 in the face.
Posted by: Jan | 01/18/2011 at 04:57 AM
Catherine Zeta-Jones can do no wrong, I think. Neither can Helena Bonham-Carter. In totally different ways, of course.
Clearly it's the name. I must get myself a double-barrelled name!
Posted by: Keely | 01/18/2011 at 08:20 AM
I like how HBC is wearing two diff color shoes. Only she could get away with that!
Posted by: Claire | 01/18/2011 at 09:05 AM
Tooo fnny! Love your take on the awards. I only watched because my neighbor was there (her hubs was in Social Network). I did my own little fashion review yesterday and prtty much agree with you.
Happy Tuesday!
Posted by: Gina | 01/18/2011 at 09:10 AM
I was so excited to watch! I love me some Ricky Gervais! The first few jokes I was on board. After a while, I couldn't even laugh. Just ouch. There's funny-laugh-at-yourselves and then there's just cruel. The term "bully" came to mind. So bummed.
I was not a fan of the 80s, shoulder pad type gowns. While Eva is kind of popping right out, DANG, I would have been all about that dress if I were her. Stunning. Tilda - WHOA. Scary. I heart Annette Benning. Even with nutty hair. And Warren Beatty makes for a mighty glamorous accessory. I mean, she could have worn a paper bag, but show up with him and you still look fantastic.
Posted by: Sarah at themommylogues | 01/18/2011 at 10:09 AM
I didn't watch the awards, but had fun looking at the best and worst dressed yesterday. I love looking at fancy dresses--I have so little reason to wear anything like that here.
Posted by: VandyJ | 01/18/2011 at 01:25 PM
I suppose Gervais crossed the line, but I suppose celebrities should learn, for once in their lives, that the world does not revolve around them. The common people? Absolutely loved that Gervais wasn't afraid to rip those people and show them they are not on some pedestal where no one is allowed to slam them or touch them.
To me, they were a bunch of cry babies...with exception to Downey Jr. who has been trying very hard and shouldn't have been ripped for his past issues. That was a fail, but as for some of the other jokes...like questioning why The Tourist was even up... very funny.
Posted by: lisa @boondockramblings | 01/18/2011 at 01:34 PM
OMG I LOVED this post! I agreed on everything...Ricky Gervais I love to bits but I think he went too far the other night.
Happy Random Tuesday!!
Posted by: Kristine | 01/18/2011 at 01:36 PM
Yes, Ricky went too far. It made me sad. I thought Tom Hanks's response was quite classy, considering.
So, here's my thought on it: Do you think maybe he WANTED to not be asked back? I know next to nothing about contracts and deals in this arena, but do you think it's possible NBC held him to something he didn't want to do in regards to this hosting gig, so he set out to eff it up? Like you said, I usually love his irreverent humor, but he crossed the line to mean.
I think I'm repeating what someone else said, but WHAT is with all the shoulder pads on the red carpet?? Blergh.
Posted by: Aimee @ In THIS Life | 01/18/2011 at 02:51 PM
OK, I just heard more of Ricky's comments. I take back what I said..he was mean. *sigh*. I should have listened to more of what he said...that was mean.
Posted by: lisa @boondockramblings | 01/18/2011 at 04:09 PM