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The thing about the Japanese breast milk bar doesn't surprise me a bit - they are a bizarre people. Which is probably why both my sons love all things Japanese (I don't think I'll be telling them about this, though).

Tiaras & Tantrums

only in Asia would that happen! Disgusting!


EEWWWWW!! That's all I have to say about that.
Relaxing is good, hope you got to do it in a fun place.
Turbo has been head butting Nick recently. Kid has a hard head and good aim. That game has been stopped indefinitely.


That picture has to be one of the nicest shots I've ever seen. I love it! Can't wait to hear what you were up to!
Happy RTT!!

Sprite's Keeper

Seriously, Japan!
Well, at least I know I would have a career if that second kid ever comes and weans off..


I think I saw a posting on Craigslist where you could get free room & board in a house in Berkeley if you provided breast milk. Rent in Berkeley? That's got to be at least $1500+/month. Sooooo, that Mama's milk is pretty cheap in Japan. Whodda thunk, when everything else there is so expensive.


I watched a special one time on sushi and there is a really deadly fish that has to be cut perfect or you'll die when you eat it. And the Japanese pay hundreds of dollar to indulge.


Those crazy Japanese, always creating the latest trends. A while ago it was drinking your own urine, I think...

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