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'One more in the can' & 'vlogging off' both sounded dirty.

So, if you could combine the 2 somehow...

The Bug

I like "And... cut" the best. I know, NOT sexy - but I like it.

And it's Dana with a long A. I have a friend named Dana with a short A (like banana). Caused no end of confusion. Heh.


I really liked "Okay, I'm done now," but "See ya in hell, motherfuckers" had a rather piquant ring to it.


It's so hard not to love Wendi Aarons. But... I'm gonna vote with Daaaaayna and say "and...cut." Cos it's quick and sassy and, you know, ties in with your acting gig. Clever that way.


ps. Can I just HAVE your hair? Please?

Lynn Hornsby

I like the "vlogging off" Somehow all of this tickled me though--:)
Lynn H

Sprite's Keeper

"Vlogging off"!!!! I just love the way you say "vlog". (Yes, we've had this discussion before, but I get to vote here, dammit!)


"and...cut" fits you perfectly! But I also like the "see you in hell mothaf*ckers!" ;)


My favorite was "and that's my take on it"

Lynn Kowal

I have to go with "Okay, I'm done now." (Like I'd choose differently). But, it's the LBD of sign offs: fits all moods and occasions - dress it up, dress it down. And, I'm not a fan of cursing/swear words (my goodness, I'm square, etc. - my personal quirk, granted). But, I would be less likely to enjoy your vlogs, should I know that I would be addressed as an unflattering word at the end of it. I've said too much... Okay, I'm done now. (See how fitting?)

Aimee @ In THIS Life

Yeah, okay, I'm not voting for any of my own. (Knew they were crap, and you just confirmed it!)

But I'm also really bad at picking favorites, so here are the FOUR I liked best:

Goodnight ladies (Sung...cuz my dad's a Barbershopper, and I love The Music Man, and good LORD I talk a lot, don't I?)
Okay, I'm done now
This is Gretchen, vlogging off!


I liked- "And...Cut!" and "Vlogging off"


I miss seeing your smiling face. Well I have to go with one that was not even on the list. You said it towards the end, "So now, I'm just going to turn the thing off."

Love that you're vlogging. I'd do it, but I'd have to duct tape the children together in the closet. And they get enough of that when mommy is on her period...

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