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That sounds just divine! Not only the tea and scones--living in Australia has made me a big fan of teatime--but the quality time with a girlfriend. Days like that are too far and few between. Glad you got a break this week!

Michele Renee

Yes, but who poured the tea? Anyway, your teas afternoon with a dear friend is just what the doctor ordered.
On your vlog sign-off.....I like it when you said, "This is Gretchen, vlogging off."

The Stiletto Mom

I have never really had a craving for tea but those pictures are making me think otherwise. Sounds like a fun afternoon...I love a good venting session with a friend! Okay, now off to watch your vlog!


You make having tea sound so lovely and soothing. Makes me want to try one of these new NY tea houses. And very cool tea cup there.


I was just thinking about you last night, wondering if your vertigo had passed - I'm glad it has.

While I don't envy you the grumpy husband - mine can also be a complete asshat when he's not feeling well - I DO envy you the tea with your close friend. So very, very much.

Sprite's Keeper

Hello, tripod reflection in the teapot. :-)
I should be drooling over the scones and array of tidbits and I focus on the photographer. Nice.
Vlogging off! Vlogging off! Don't make me repeat myself! (Again.)

High Tea Man

I've tried quite a few afternoon teas, but I have to tell you, The Peninsula really knows how to do it. Haven't been to the one in LA (yet), but I have visited "The Pen" in both Chicago and Shanghai.


Husbands shouldn't be allowed to have ailments ever.

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